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By joining the waitlist, you're taking the first step towards securing your financial future and achieving the prosperity you deserve. The Millionaire Morning Mamas Academy is not just a program; it's a life-changing journey designed to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and support to create generational wealth.



Why Join the Waitlist?

  • Priority Access: As a waitlist member, you'll be the first to know when enrollment opens. This means you'll have the best chance to secure your spot in the Academy before anyone else.
  • Exclusive Offers: We'll occasionally send out exclusive offers and insights to our waitlist members. You'll be the first to access special bonuses and discounts.
  • Community: By joining the waitlist, you become part of our community of ambitious individuals who share the same goals and aspirations. You'll receive updates and resources to keep you inspired on your wealth-building journey.
  • Transform Your Life: This program has already helped countless individuals go from financial uncertainty to abundance. By joining the waitlist, you're setting yourself up for transformation.


The Millionaire Morning Mamas Academy offers a comprehensive curriculum, live Q&A sessions, access to a supportive community, and much more. It's an all-encompassing program designed to help you create wealth, build financial security, and achieve your dreams.

We understand that investing in your financial future is a big decision. That's why joining the waitlist is the perfect way to learn more, get a glimpse of what the Academy has to offer and stay updated on your path to abundance.

Here's What Some

Millionaire Morning Mamas

Have to Say...

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you! Prior to enrolling in your program, I did not understand the fundamentals of reprogramming my subconscious mind so I could level up.  Since enrolling in your course, my self-confidence, bank account, and business opportunities have increased by releasing the blocks on the subconscious level.  I feel like a new person and my energy level is phenomenal.  With your guidance, I recently made my first real estate investment deal. No stress! No hassle!  I am so grateful for this journey, and I would do it again.  If you get the chance to work with Lisa, just do it!  This program will change your life!  Thank you, and I appreciate you!

Before the program, I had no idea just how much my limiting beliefs around money and finances had been holding me back. Doing the work on reprogramming my subconscious mind has been the key to transforming my mindset from one of fear and scarcity to one of faith and abundance. I would have never had the courage to jump into my first real estate investment like I did this past year. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and the wealth of knowledge I’ve gained in working with you. This is going to be an exciting year! Thank you truly for the work you do.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Lisa Easton.


Lisa Easton is the CEO and Founder of Millionaire Morning Mamas. She is a mindset and wealth coach with a specific focus and passion for helping women break through their financial ceiling and create a life of first-class financial freedom.

Lisa spent 15+ years directly supporting multi-billionaire executives and got a front-row seat to learn exactly how they used manifestation to attract and create their lives of exponential wealth. Luckily for you - she was taking notes!

She used those skills to take her life from struggling single mom of four with $55k of debt, to extraordinary financial success and CEO of multiple thriving businesses in just a few years.

And now she wants to show you how to do the exact same thing in Millionaire Morning Mamas Academy.

When you join this group of powerful women, you’ll get Lisa’s personal blueprint to reprogram your subconscious mind and attract abundance that will alter your life forever.

Join now and you can start attracting the wealth you deserve today.

Don't Miss Out ...

The Millionaire Morning Mamas Academy

Opens Soon!